Miami Day in the Life Session, Rain or Shine

Five-ish years ago, I was the light holding, dress fluffing assistant at Gigi’s wedding. Since then, we’ve our Facebook friendship grew into a working relationship, (and amazing friendship, but lets not get sappy. I do love this girl though.) as Gigi is a fantastic wedding photographer and second shooter/associate for Sonju Photography. So I jumped at the chance to shoot a documentary family session for her family. Kane just turned two, and I was SO EXCITED to finally meet the little man I’ve been following on Instagram (#teambabysquishy y’all)

Driving to Gigi’s home, I must’ve driven through three separate rain storms. I actually thought about pulling over and waiting it out (which is major, because this is Florida, we should be used to the rain) or even cancelling the session because it was so nasty out. But the beauty of in-home documentary sessions is that you don’t have to worry about the weather, and rescheduling would have gone against everything these sessions are meant to be – about documenting the every day life AT HOME. Rain or Shine.

I knocked on the door and Kane greeted me with a stare. I don’t speak much Spanish, unless I’m IN Spain, so the only way Kane and I could really communicate was through body language and well, staring. And he stared me down for a solid 15 minutes. Side eye. More staring. Looking to mom and dad for reassurance… It was the ultimate challenge – photograph Kane and his relationship with Gigi and Danny, and do so without really talking to him and while stuck indoors.


Here are a few of my favorites from their DITL session…

Ready for a more meaningful way to document your family? For more information on booking a Day in the Life session with Sonju Photography, click below: